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Day 2 (Galveston Community College)

January 9, 2018

Today our J-term group visited Galveston Community College. I went in to the visit with the idea that I didn’t really have to learn anything from GCC, and why would I want to come to a community college. I was completely wrong, and I can speak for the whole group when I say we were all pleasantly surprised. GCC is in the heart of Galveston, and is a great option for people who either aren’t ready for a full 4 year college experience, or are going to transfer their credits for common core classes, it is also a very affordable way for people to get an education.

This community college offers great programs such as nursing classes, culinary classes and applied sciences. They have great facilities and have one of the nicest-looking pottery classes i’ve ever seen (view of the ocean). I’m really glad we got to see a different perspective of institutions, and how a typical college might not be the right investment for everyone. The people who gave us the tour emphasized on the fact that GCC really wants their students to succeed in whatever they want. The classes schedules are very flexible and work in a way that benefits the students and encourages them to attend their classes. The classes offered are very affordable and range from $1,500-$3,500 for one year tuition, which can make a huge difference for a lot of people. At the end we got a great lunch (chicken tenders) and we got free shirts!! On our way back to school we also stopped by for some ice cream. Today was a big eye opener for all of us to see that there isn't just one route for college and to see what type of college experience is the right one for us. 


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